Friday, 5 January 2018


'Routes and Directions,' acrylic on canvas, 92 x 73 cm
I have always hated the first week of January! Somehow it is without shape, neither the festive end of the year or full of new, memorable events -  mostly a conglomerate of bad weather and dim light! But over the years I have learned to use that first week as a time to write lists of aims for the year and to start new work. I believe that the sluggishness I feel is due to lack of light because when I go to Cyprus at this time of year to visit my in-laws I always feel brighter. But with the beginning of January I have discovered that new directions seem to be triggered by that imaginary line between old and new.

A family illness has interrupted my regular posts and also my intention to write a review of the Beijing International Art Biennale. This will have to be delayed for the moment. For now, I am going to post a few paintings from last year. Straight after this post I am going back to work on the 3 new paintings begun this week. I am still exploring the way that paint can suggest places and at this point I feel that some figuration may find its way back in to the paintings.

'Feeling My Way Through the Land,' acrylic and ink on canvas, 30 x 22 cm

'Fiona's-World,' acrylic and oil on board, 60 x 33 cm

As a first step also into the New Year, I joined Instagram! I had put it off for quite a while, finding my Twitter and Facebook accounts enough, but some artist friends from the 2017 Beijing International Art Biennale convinced me to create a profile on there. As I have discovered, artists need platforms to profile themselves and their work. Things move so fast, you need to be seen regularly!

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