'Walking Towards a Shared Future,' acrylic and oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm 2018 |
I submitted 2 paintings to this global online exhibition organised by the SeeMe team, as it says below:
'We asked artists to share their perspective on the human condition...
Art Saves Humanity will be a global virtual exhibition bringing together the SeeMe community, Sotheby's Institute and its global network, Community Access to the Arts, the 1KNetwork.org and artists from all over the world with other corporate sponsors.'
(quoted from their website)
The judges were Brendan Clecko, Christine Kuan, Marine Tanguy, Poppy Simpson, Ariel Adkins, Jerry Saltz and the Sotheby's team.
The theme was to be about hope and reflection during the pandemic.
While I did receive 2 emails informing me of the results of my 2 submissions, I had not during an exceptionally busy week opened them! So when the exhibition opened online on May 21st I went to see which paintings were in the Top 100 selected artists and as I scrolled along I came across my painting (above)! To have made the Top 100 was amazing! There was also a link to my website.
So then I opened the 2 emails. I found that both my paintings had been put in the top 100 but only one is shown. This is the other one.
'A Global Connection,' oil on canvas, 100 x 140 cm |
The other wonderful thing to find out was that I'd won a signed copy of the new book by Jerry Saltz called How to be an Artist. He was one of the judges. I'm really pleased about this!
Most of the time as an artist you work alone and there's very little to guide you through a vast terrain of bumps and unlit territory so it's nice to get some positive feedback.
This is the link to the website:
(Scrolling along to the right or left brings up my art.)